Parents take note: according to findings published online in the British Journal of Sports Medicine, the more active teenagers’ are, the better their school grades. Particularly for girls. We’ve all heard the touting that exercise improves brain activity, but there has been little scientific evidence to prove it, until now. Researchers from England, Scotland and …
Category: Uncategorized
Oct 28
Exercise Is As Effective As Medication For Treating Heart Disease And Diabetes
Over and over again the benefits of regular exercise are being touted, and yet so many fail to take action for one reason or another. We know that just a brisk walk a day (moderate intensity for 2.5 hours a week) can help lower the risk of high blood pressure, diabetes and high cholesterol. How …
Oct 18
iPosture Being Blamed for Back Pain Among Young Adults
We have iPods, iPhones, iPads and now we have iPosture! An alarming number of 18 to 24-year olds are reporting back pain, and hand held electronics seem to be the cause. The pain is a product of the stooped body posture adopted by those who are texting, emailing or playing games on their iPods, iPhones, …
Oct 11
Could The Consumption Of Refined Grains And Sugars Be Linked To Developing Alzheimer’s Disease?
Turns out that they could be. According to research conducted over the past 8 years, Alzheimer’s is revealing itself as a metabolic disease, similar in part with Type 2 Diabetes. In fact, Alzheimer’s has been nicknamed “Type 3 Diabetes” because of the apparent relationship between it, abnormal blood sugars and developing insulin resistance. Being overweight, …
Oct 04
Back Pain is the # 1 cause of disability in North America
The 5 lumbar bones of the lower spine not only support the body but protect the spinal cord and nerves. Between the vertebrae are shock absorbent fluid-filled discs. Damage to these bones and nerves can cause debilitating pain and numbness, making it difficult to work or even perform basic acts of daily living. Back injuries …
Sep 27
The link between fast food and depression
According to a recent study out of the University of Eastern Finland, a diet rich in fruits and vegetables not only benefits your physical body but also your mental well-being, specifically in regards to depression. When we’re depressed, it can be tempting to give in and reach for those high fat, high sugary nutrient-lacking foods …
Sep 13
Hockey player scores with Chiropractic
Chiropractic techniques are proving to be effective in treating sports injuries. Former NHLer Gary Roberts would agree. After almost a decade playing in the National Hockey League, Gary Roberts feared that his days as a professional athlete were finished. Thirty years old at the time and a left winger for the Calgary Flames, Roberts suffered …
Sep 09
Subluxations are an unavoidable, but manageable part of life.
Even if you brush, floss and have regular cleanings, as instructed by your dentist; you will still develop plaque. Plaque is an unavoidable, but manageable part of life. Managing it properly is essential to life long dental health. If you exercise, eat right, get proper sleep, meditate and see your Chiropractor regularly, you will still develop subluxations. …
Aug 31
Kids and Backpacks…make sure it’s done the right way
When September rolls around, a common sight will return to sidewalks: children walking to and from school with large, heavy knapsacks strapped to their backs. While the backpack is necessary for school, it can also cause health problems. More than 50 per cent of young people will experience at least one episode of lower back …
Aug 23
At the Chiropractor, Well-Adjusted Pets
Did you know some Chiropractors adjust animals? One morning last August, Mary Arabe’s 9-year-old gray and black tiger cat, Leo, came home from a night out exploring with a severe limp and an elbow swollen three times its normal size. He was clearly in pain; Ms. Arabe thought he had dislocated his shoulder during a …