There are several excellent health care services at Momentum Healing Arts Centre. Please contact us for a full outline of our office policy and fee sechedule for each of these services.
Chiropractic care, Physiotherapy laser therapy, x-rays, massage therapy and acupuncture
As these are all regulated professions, most extended health care and insurance policies (like Green Shield or Blue Cross) have partial or full coverage for chiropractic services, x-rays, massage therapy, acupuncture and naturopathy.
Laser therapy will often be a stand alone treatment, especially for acute injuries. However, it can be included under the umbrella of chiropractic care and thus, fully covered by your extended health care plan.
Always check with your insurance carrier or the human resources department of your company to clarify what coverage you have.
Our office policy is that the patient pays for the services when rendered. We can then issue a receipt for you to submit to the insurance company for direct reimbursement. Of course, we will be happy to provide the necessary documentation that the insurance company requires, most times at no extra fee.
Custom made orthotics and footwear
All of our orthotic insoles and footwear are custom made. Upon evaluation, gait scan and casting of the foot payment is required. Turn around time is approximately two weeks. All orthotic insoles and footwear are guaranteed by the manufacturer and we are able to modify as necessary free of charge. You will receive a detailed receipt for your extended health care provider and your records.
Worker’s Compensation Injuries
Our office does accept workers’ compensation injuries for chiropractic care. Initial paperwork from your company stating the date of accident and other particulars is required for a claim to be submitted. Once accepted, the Workers’ Compensation Insurance Board will cover 12 weeks of chiropractic care and will be submitted directly to the Board for reimbursement.
Motor Vehicle Accident Claims
Our office also accepts motor vehicle accident claims for chiropractic care, physiotherapy and massage therapy. Once the doctor has examined you, a “treatment plan” outlining duration and frequency is completed and sent to the insurance company. An “accident benefits package” must be completed by the patient in order for the treatment to be covered. Our staff will be able to help you understand what submissions need to be made with your extended health care in addition to the submissions to the auto insurance carrier.