What Is Naturopathic Medicine?
Naturopathic medicine is a field bridging medical sciences with natural therapies. Naturopaths use a variety of natural substances which have been proven to be valuable in treatment of certain health condition, as well as looking for the root cause of the condition. The naturopath will assess the entire body because often the cause may show up unexpectedly somewhere else other than the primary source of the pain or symptom. For example, some headaches may be due to bowel toxicity, and acne may be due to blood sugar imbalance. Every person’s quest is to get the best possible treatment. Naturopaths often use treatments that work together with current medication or use medical testing in order to do what is in the best interest of the patient. This is how the desired result of fast symptomatic relief with removal of the cause of the symptoms is achieved.
There are many diagnostic tests that are used in the office. These include:
- standard physical examination
- urinalysis
- standard laboratory tests
- mineral and heavy metal analysis
- hair analysis
- live blood cell analysis
- pH testing of urine and saliva
- Chinese tongue diagnosis
- dietary analysis
- meridian charge assessment
Who Needs Naturopathic Care
Naturopathic care is highly recommended for people who want to optimize health, resolve health problems, detoxify, or avoid dependence on prescription drugs. Naturopathic medicine offer advanced diagnostics and treatments for both adults and kids. Seniors and pregnant women will find the care to be extremely gentle, with few side effects and very effective for their specific health concerns.
Qualifications Of A Naturopath
A licensed naturopathic doctor has to first attend 3 or 4-year pre-medical studies at an accredited university. Naturopathic studies consist of 4 year full-time curriculum which includes 1 year of an internship at the naturopathic clinic. After graduation the candidate must pass licensing examinations before practicing.
Naturopathy is a regulated profession and only practitioners that are board certified can use the title “Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine”. Naturopathic doctors are covered by benefit plans. Enquire about yours or your spouse’s.
The following is a partial list of subjects taught as part of core curriculum during naturopathic studies: anatomy, physiology, histology, immunology, microbiology, biochemistry, pathology, differential diagnosis, laboratory diagnosis, public health, ethics and jurisprudence, history of naturopathic medicine, minor surgery, counseling, orthopedics, radiology, nutritional biochemistry, clinical nutrition, soft tissue manipulation, pediatrics, woman’s health, integrative studies, acupuncture, homeopathy, and botanical medicine.
Naturopathic doctors are trained in pharmacology and drug-food/herb/vitamin interactions to ensure safety of patients..
Testing Performed By A Naturopath
It is very important to assess the body thoroughly before starting any treatment. This is what naturopathic doctors do. However, availability of tests as well as treatments may vary with each naturopathic doctor.
Below you can find some of the tests done by Dr. Cerullo. These tests are extremely popular because they help finding the causes of the problem as well as individualize treatments.
- Acidity-alkalinity testing (this test is free to all patients). It shows the need for detoxification and alkalinization. Acidification of tissue causes undesirable shifts in the body including changes in enzyme function, changes in bacterial flora, deoxygenation, and reduction in organ function. Such changes are the primary reason why body enters a state of degeneration. Reversal of degenerative processes largely depends on a proper acid-alkaline balance.
- Mineral analysis, which searches for 15 heavy metals and shows balance of 23 nutritional minerals such as calcium, magnesium, zinc, etc. When you know what your body needs you take proper supplementation and do not guess-choosing your supplements.
- Antioxidant testing. Lack of antioxidants causes excessive DNA damage, which greatly contribute to health problems, immune system dysfunction, and premature aging. If you are health conscious you should take antioxidants, yet you must know that either too much or too little will do the same damage. If you want to be sure of protection you need to periodically check their status and adjust your supplementation.
Treatments Used By A Naturopath
There are many ways that a naturopath can approach a patient’s return to health. The key is the individuality of that person and the unique treatment program that he/she requires. Some of the more common treatment modalities that are used in our office are:
- dietary modification
- single and multiple nutrient supplementation
- custom botanical prescriptions
- homeopathy
- traditional Chinese & medical acupuncture
- vitamin injections
- hydrotherapy
- cranial sacral therapy
- NAET (Nambudripad Allergy Elimination Technique)
Common Conditions
The following are common conditions that respond well to naturopathic treatment:
- Women’s Health: menstrual irregularities, pre-menstrual syndrome, infertility, menopause, headaches, fatigue, Candida
- Gastrointestinal Problems: Crohn’s, colitis, constipation or diarrhea, difficulty digesting and absorbing, irritable bowel syndrome, heartburn, ulcers, gas
- Pain: chronic headache, backache, sports injuries, post operative pain, car accidents
- Nervous System: anxiety, stress, sleeplessness, hyperactivity, learning problems, autism, depression
- Respiratory Problems: asthma, chronic bronchitis, chronic cough, frequent infections, shortness of breath, sinusitis, hay fever
- Cardiovascular: heart conditions, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, varicose veins
- Endocrine: diabetes, thyroid problem, impotence, low adrenal function
- Urinary System: chronic bladder and kidney infections, stones, inability to hold urine, urinary frequency
- Skin: eczema, acne, psoriasis, itchiness, dryness
- Cancers: support before, during and after surgery, chemo and radiation
- Other: chronic fatigue, recurrent infections, healthy weight loss, allergies
What Is The Difference Between Naturopathy And Homeopathy?
Naturopathy is an umbrella term that encompasses all of the treatment options available to a naturopathic doctor. Homeopathy is one of the treatment options available to a naturopath. Homeopathic doctors specialize in prescribing homeopathic remedies. Doctors of naturopathic medicine also use homeopathy, but not exclusively.
What Results Should I Expect?
Naturopathic medicine has outstanding successes even in hard to diagnose or “difficult” cases. Patients invariably are happy about the outcome of the treatment if they follow the advice. In more advanced cases, if a reversal of the disease is impossible then naturopathic medicine can improve the quality of life for a patient. The success of naturopathic medicine lies in correcting body imbalances instead of just providing symptomatic relief.
What type of treatments does a naturopath use?
There are many ways that a naturopath can approach a patient’s return to health. These include:
- dietary modification
- single and multiple nutrient supplementation
- custom botanical compounding
- homeopathy
- traditional Chinese & medical acupuncture
- vitamin injections
- hydrotherapy