Category: Uncategorized

Derrick Rose attributes triumphant return to Chiropractic

Derrick Rose returned to resounding applause Monday afternoon. He only missed the last five games, due to back spasms. Chiropractic helped him return back to the court. Perhaps fittingly, when Derrick Rose briefly made Stuart Yoss the most famous chiropractor to Bulls fans everywhere, Yoss was being true to his craft. “I was working, seeing …

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For Sinus Infection, Don’t Bother with Antibiotics. Try this instead.

Sinus infections are drippy and painful — an all-around headache, quite literally. When symptoms arise, patients often rush to the doctor for a prescription, usually an antibiotic, to put an end to the suffering. But it turns out you’d do just as well to take a sugar pill and treat yourself with standard drugstore remedies. …

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NE Patriots and NY Giants: The Essential Role of Chiropractic Care to Super Bowl XLVI

23 and 1/2 hours: What is the single best thing we can do for our health?

What Tom Brady Thinks About Chiropractic…

“Chiropractic just makes you feel so much better. When I walk out of the clinic, I feel like I’m about three inches taller and everything’s in place. And as long as I see the Chiropractor, I feel like I’m one step ahead of the game.”Tom Brady

How to get your Wiggle back

Elevated Body Temperature Helps Certain Types of Immune Cells to Work Better

With cold and flu season almost here, the next time you’re sick, you may want to thank your fever for helping fight off infection. That’s because scientists have found more evidence that elevated body temperature helps certain types of immune cells to work better. This research is reported in the November 2011 issue of the Journal …

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For Neck Pain, Chiropractic and Exercise Are Better Than Drugs

Seeing a chiropractor or engaging in light exercise relieves neck pain more effectively than relying on pain medication, new research shows. New research, published in The Annals of Internal Medicine, found that chiropractic care or simple exercises done at home were better at reducing pain than taking medications like aspirin, ibuprofen or narcotics. After 12 weeks of Chiropractic …

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Taking Just a Little Too Much Tylenol Each Time Can Be Deadly

Taking just a little bit too much acetaminophen (Tylenol) over the course of days or weeks is more likely to be fatal than taking a single, massive overdose. Taking only slightly higher than recommended doses can cause potentially fatal liver damage. Tylenol overdose is the leading cause of acute liver failure in the U.S., leading …

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During the Holiday Season, remember to make wise choices

Congrats to Kathy. She’s a 53 year old woman, who after 3 heart attacks has realized she needs to be proactive in her health. As we enter this holiday season, enjoy and celebrate reasonably and prepare for a fresh start in 2012. Simple daily choices can have a profound affect on your health. The Heart and …

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